Policy Analysis Project (MAS Thesis)

As part of the MAS TPP, participants must complete a MAS Thesis in form of a Policy Analysis Project, worth 15 ECTS. The Policy Analysis Project represents the culmination of the MAS TPP programme, where participants apply what they have learned during their studies by carrying out a Policy Analysis Project.
This project will demonstrate participants’ ability to carry out independent and well-structured scientific work. In this project, participants address a specific policy challenge and undertake a policy analysis under supervision of ETH researchers and optionally also a project partner from the public, private or civic sector. The aim is to apply the policy analysis skills acquired throughout the MAS TPP programme.
Participants can only start working on the Policy Analysis Project after completing at least 30 ECTS, i.e., either having completed one CAS TPP degree and all electives or having completed both CAS TPP degrees.
The Policy Analysis Project requries two supervisors, one of whom must be an ETH professor. In exeptional cases, this can also be an ETH lecturer (e.g. Senior Researcher). It is the participant’s responsibility to agree on the process of supervision in advance with the supervisors.
In terms of topic, the Policy Analysis Project must fulfil the following two criteria:
- It has to address a policy issue at the interface between science/technology and policy/society
- The policy issue selected has to relate to the supervisors' research activity.
In general, the topic might be connected to the participant’s area of work. However, it is also possible to select a topic that is not related to the participant’s area of work but rather an area of interest. In both cases, however, the two criteria mentioned above need to be fulfilled. If unsure, participants can discuss their initial topic ideas with the TPP Programme Leadership.
In the case of a project with an external partner, the participant is responsible for establishing the contact and developing the project proposal. Projects with current employers need to be discussed with the TPP Programme Leadership.
Participants have 26 weeks to complete their Policy Analysis Project, from the date agreed upon with the supervisor and the TPP Programme Leadership.

These 26 weeks do not include the process of choosing a topic and supervisors, as well as the drafting of the initial proposal and outline, which takes place before the official start of the writing process. Late submissions of the Policy Analysis Project are considered as failed.
Students are requested to contact the Programme Manager prior to starting the preparations for the Policy Analysis Project to discuss their individual situation.
The participant’s work results in a written report of around 20-25 pages (around 9,000-11,000 words; excluding table of content, references, appendices and the like). The format corresponds to the format policy-focused consulting firms or think tanks typically use.
The Policy Analysis Project is credited with 15 ECTS which equals 450 working hours.